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5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief

Need to calm down? Essential oils are a great option. Read about these 5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief

Stress is something we all have, and it can be difficult to deal with. There are plenty of natural treatments for stress; time alone, a good book, a hobby, or a good run. Sometimes we just do not feel like we have time for that. Even if we do have time it can feel like taking some time for yourself still was not enough. Aromatherapy may be the key to managing stress and anxiety. Clinical studies have proven essential oils to be an effective management for anxiety and depression. 

5 Essential Oils for Stress Relief

Lavender – Lavender is by far the most studied essential oil for dealing with stress. Lavender is safe for use on all ages. Defuse or make a linen spray for night to calm and relax before bed.

Lavender is a great multi purpose oil that helps you relax, sleep, and even fight off mild illness. This can be especially handy because the immune system drops when you are stressed.

Bergamot – Bergamot relaxes the body and calms the mind. Bergamot is the common flavoring found in Earl Gray tea. Bergamont can lead to photosensitivity and skin sensitivity and should be well diluted when used topically. Defusing is a great option. Bergamot does not induce sleep making it a good day time option.

Blood Orange – Blood Orange oil is both uplifting and calming. A great option for when you need to reduce stress but not induce sleep. Blood orange is great for fighting tension and is safe for use around children. Blood orange is a great option for an uplifting and stress reducing room refresher.

Tangerine – Tangerine a a safe and effective oil for stress. It can be used on (when well diluted) and around children. Tangerine is uplifting and does not encourage sleep while still calming. Tangerine is a great option for household cleaners and defocusing to reduce stress.

Ylang Ylang – Ylang Ylang helps lower blood pressure. Blood pressure often rises when you are under stress. The effect helps calm and reduce anger as well as reduce effects of stress on your physical well being. Ylang Ylang is not safe for use on children or people that are on heart medication. An inhaler with this oil is a good option for people that are around either group.

These oils can be mixed and blended for use in inhalers, diffusers, and room sprays. Find a blend of these stress busting oils that works for you and your family. Topical use should be diluted. Homemade soaps and lotions are a great way to enjoy these oils diluted and make you feel better at the end of a stressful day or as a pick me up to help you handle upcoming stress.

The information, advice, statements, and testimonials made about the essential oils, blends, and products mentioned on this web site have not been evaluated by the United States Food and Drug Administration (FDA).  The information on this site and the products listed are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent disease, nor are they intended to replace proper medical help. It is always recommended to consult with a healthcare professional before starting any regimen with essential oils.  User submitted testimonials are based on individual results and do not constitute a guarantee that you will achieve the same results – what works for one may not work for another.

Homemade Jar Candles

You can also blend some of these oils in a Homemade Jar Candle to give as a teachers gift!


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