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Low Cost Kitchen Renovation – Our Fixer Upper

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper. Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

Now that you have seen what the house looked like and you know about our budget busting expenses our first couple weeks in the house. What about that kitchen? I had intended on renovating it right away, but that wasn’t in the cards. So check out my Low Cost Kitchen Renovation. I made my kitchen a little more bearable until I can save enough to completely redo it.


Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

Paint paint paint!!! I can’t scream this from the roof tops enough! Paint works wonders! This was move in day or the day after move in day. Don’t you love the sea of boxes? I am showing you this for a few reasons.

Look how dark the kitchen is!

Look how closed off it is!

Look how dingy it looks!  (Ok, I get it is dirty because of boxes and junk but still!)

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

I went to Lowes and bought some Valspar Signature Semi Gloss paint in Moonlit snow. I painted the cabinets and the walls in one color. I started out with just the cabinets. Then, I decided I couldn’t take the weird brown and red walls and just went nuts with the paint. I mean….it couldn’t look worse. BEST DECISION I EVER MADE!!

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

This is the same freaking kitchen!!! Seriously! Can you believe the difference paint makes?


When we moved in we had a 1987 Kenmore Fridge and dishwasher in lovely Almond and brown color. They still ran, but my oh my….appliances have come a long way. I bought this new LG Refrigerator from Lowes and it is what snowballed into “Water-gate 2018”. After the fridge purchase and all the new pipes went in there went my budget. (You can read all about that budget buster here. )

There was actually a stainless steel newer Whirlpool dishwasher in the office that the previous homeowner had left but didn’t install. So, I did install that. No point in buying a new one while that one works.

The oven and stove top are separate and both black Kenmore appliances. Once I get the kitchen redone I would like a single Stainless Oven Range, but that is going to involve cabinets and wiring moving. As long as these work, I am going with it.

I know some people love wall ovens. I am only 5 feet tall and it is so awkward for me to use the wall oven. I miss having a regular range. I may change my mind but for right now I am planning and dreaming up a kitchen with a range.

You can see some of my ideas on my Dream Home Pinterest Board.

Removing Upper Cabinet

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

Recently I decided that it was a great idea to remove the upper cabinet over the breakfast bar. I mean, I have watched enough HGTV to make this work. I may have also started this project at about 9PM one night.

There was literally 2 long bolts holding this cabinet into the ceiling. NOTHING ELSE. I thought I was smart and lowered it down onto 2 barstools so it wouldn’t just crash down. So far so good. THEN, came the realization that I had to lift it down off of those stools.

Y’all, I am not going to lie. This was scary. I prayed. Somehow…some way….we managed to get it down without breaking anything or anyone and drug that darn cabinet outside.

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

I am so glad it is gone. It really opens up the kitchen, but I learned a deep and valuable lesson. Even though I hate these cabinets, they are heavy as all get out. I will pay someone gladly to remove the rest of the cabinets when it is time.

There is also still a little wire hanging out of the ceiling where a light fixture once was in that cabinet. I am going to have an electrician come out and take care of it and install some recessed lights. It’s on my to-do list, it just hasn’t been to-done yet.

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

Speaking of cabinet removal, I almost forgot to tell you. When I painted the cabinets there were these tiny cabinets up high. Ones that I could never reach even if I tried. I decided to remove the doors and paint the insides of them. They are now cute little decorative cubbies for some of my knick knacks. It makes so much more sense this way!

Things that I want to Do

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

Ahh….here is the fun part. I have all of these plans in my head and I way to do them so bad, but budgets are real!

That wall with the oven and weird shelf…I want it gone!! It would open the kitchen to the dining area and create one large living space.

Small budget? You can still make a big difference in your space. Check out our low cost kitchen renovation in our Fixer Upper.  | @AFewShortcuts #fixerupper #home #kitchen #design #renovation #remodel

I want to rearrange the cabinets and have a large island that faces the dining room when the wall is gone. I would love a farmhouse sink, white quartz countertops, and quality white cabinets. Oh and the floors right now are terrible in the kitchen. Ideally, I would love to have cohesive floors throughout the house.

I want a classic farmhouse style kitchen that can stand the test of time. So that 20 years from now I am not wanting to gut the entire thing. The only problem is, I apparently have expensive taste, so my dreams are on hold until my budget can handle them.

Low Cost Kitchen Renovation

So far all I am out is a lot of sweat and elbow grease. A couple cans of paint ($30ish each), and that beauty of a refrigerator that I dreamed about for years.

I purchased that LG Fridge from Lowes with warranty for around $1800 delivered. I used one of the 10% off moving coupons on it.

Oh, and a few new cabinet pulls cost me about $14.

Do you have any Low Cost Kitchen Renovation Tips?

I would love to hear what you have done to update your space without spending a ton of money. Share in the comments below.



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