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How to Make Homemade Bug Repellent

Tired of chemicals, but love to spend time outdoors? Learn How to Make Homemade Bug Repellent with natural ingredients!

We are outdoorsy kinda people.  My kids love to get out and get fresh air and explore.  Going on hikes through the woods to look for wild animal tracks, or just playing in the backyard; my kids have small buggy targets painted on them.  I swear they do. Just last week I took the kids to my Dad’s house and they were outside, in the middle of the day, and my smallest ended up with more bug bites than I could shake a stick at. That is when knowing how to make homemade bug repellent comes in handy!

Now my hubby’s response is the same every time it happens “Spray them down with bug spray before you take them out!” Oh I cringe when I see him pull that bottle out! Seriously it irks me to my core!  If the chemicals in that bottle can kill bugs why on Earth would I voluntarily spray them on my children.  I can’t pronounce them, and there are warnings galore, but I should spray them on my babies because???!

I was determined to find a better way….there had to be a safer alternative. And there is! You can make your own ALL NATURAL Bug Repellent that actually works! No crazy chemicals needed.

How to Make Homemade Bug Repellent

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  • 12 oz bottle witch hazel
  • 15 drops citronella essential oil
  • 15 drops lemongrass oil
  • 10 dropspeppermint essential oil
  • 10 dropstea tree oil Melaleuca alternifolia
  • An empty spray container


  • Mix all of the ingredients together well and place in the empty spray container. Spray on exposed skin reapplying after swimming or exercise.
Servings: 0

Tired of chemicals, but love to spend time outdoors? Learn How to Make Homemade Bug Repellent with natural ingredients!

Don’t miss these other great Essential Oils Posts

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  1. You are so right there is enough chemicals in the air we breath and on food we eat we do not need to spray anymore on our bodies especially young ones. You never no what will happen when they get older and oh they discover it was not safe after all. That’s happen to other items. The little ones are our future and we need to put as little chemicals in and on or around them.

  2. I like this , I agree with you 100 Percent
    about their being enough chemicals in the air.
    I love stuff that is made out of natural materials.

  3. 3 stars
    What a great idea. My husband is, I swear, addicted to DEET and although it does work it is poison.

  4. Thank you for your posting. It easy to make , requiring very few ingredients and its natural

  5. Amanda,
    Looking at the essential oils, do you think the terrashield would work better than the purify blend? I wish it would list all of the oils in the blend.

    1. Brittany, I thought about that. The Terrashield is already diluted with coconut oil. It is a little less expensive but you are getting less of the “main ingredients” in my opinion.

      Here is a list of what is in the Terrashield.TerraShield is a proprietary blend of Certified Pure Therapeutic Grade essential oils including Lemon Eucalyptus (Eucalyptus citriodora), Citronella (Cymbopogonnardus), and Lemongrass (Cymbopogon flexuosus), and 12other carefully balanced oils blended in a base of 100% pure fractionated coconut oil.

      Here is the Terrashield info sheet

  6. This stuff is AWESOME!!!! I made it last year and wound up using it like cologne during the summer because it smells SO GOOD! We’ve recently moved to Wisconsin where the skeeters are humongous, so I’m mixing up a batch this weekend.

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