Cupids Arrow Craft
Celebrating Valentine’s Day with the kids is so much fun. I love spreading the love around my house with little notes, Valentine’s and treats. The girls and I made this super duper cute Cupids Arrow Craft! I am pretty sure they were really into it so they had something they could throw at their brother when he pulled out his nerf gun. LOL
What you will need
I found these felt heart stickers on clearance after Valentine’s last year and stashed them with the craft supplies. I took 2 of them and sandwiched them (pointy side out) on the end of the paper straw.
I then stuck 2 white feathers in the other end of the straw. You could use glue or tape, but I didn’t find it necessary. They stuck in perfectly without falling out.
These are so stinkin’ adorable plus they are soft and light enough to get some good distance on them when thrown at your love target. The kids have a blast making this simple Valentine’s Day Craft!