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How to Incorporate Math Lessons into Baking

Teaching math while baking or cooking can be fun and easy. Give these ideas for implementing math into baking a try and see what results you can achieve! Great ideas for homeschool or any school!

How to Incorporate Math Lessons into Baking

As a parent, you are always trying to find ways to reinforce those tricky math skills. Making math fun is one of the best ways to help kids learn these skills, and incorporating these skills into daily life is a way for them to practice these skills without even realizing it. Baking is a fun activity you can enjoy with your children, as is also allows you to practice important math concepts at the same time. To find out more, here are some tips on how to incorporate math lessons into baking so you can make the most of your cooking time together!

1. Get out the measuring utensils.
Before you begin, get out the measuring utensils such as measuring cups, measuring spoons, a scale if needed, a candy thermometer if necessary, and other measuring devices. Knowing how to use and read off these devices is so important, and now is the perfect time to put them to use in a way that is fun.

2. Point out units of measurement.
When unpacking ingredients, point out the units of measurement on the package. Dried goods are often measured in grams or ounces, while liquids are also measured in ounces. Point out the measurements on the packaging so kids can see what they look like and where to look for them.

3. Read recipe cards together.
Look at written recipes together and point out the measurements. Talk about why it is so important that these measurements are followed and about what would happen if they weren’t. Knowing math ensures a correct result when the recipe is completed, so make sure you discuss how important math is to the outcome.

4. Talk about sequential order.
Following a recipe requires moving in sequential order which is a math skill. Point out how the tasks are numbered and it is important to go in order to achieve the perfect result. You never want to skip a portion of the direction or jump ahead, so being able to number the steps and follow them in order is important.

5. Discuss temperature.
It is important to read temperature when cooking and baking. Find the required cooking temperature in the recipe. Set the oven together so you can see what that temperature looks like. If using a candy thermometer to make sweets, this is the perfect time to practice reading temperature as well.

6. Practice time telling skills.
Once your recipe is done, you still need to watch the time to make sure it bakes long enough. Practice those time telling skills so you can make sure the recipe doesn’t come out undone or burnt. Practice setting a timer, reading the oven clock, and other time-telling skills as you prepare to bake your item.

7. Last but not least, allow kids to be hands on.
Whether they are measuring flour or oil or setting a timer, allow for kids to be hands on in the preparations. This will help them best put these skills to use and get some real life practice.

As you can see, teaching math while baking or cooking can be fun and easy. Give these ideas for implementing math into baking a try and see what results you can achieve!

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One Comment

  1. Teach fractions by measuring out the cup of flour with the quarter cup measure. Dump 4 quarter cups into the one cup measure. Voila! The quarter cup is one of 4 parts – that’s why we write it it 1 over 4.

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