DIY Monster Treat Tubes – Halloween Party Favor
What a perfect craft for the kids this Halloween! Check out these simple DIY Monster Treat Tubes! Such a great party favor for fall too! Fill with candy, toys, and more!
Surprise your kids with one of these Monster Treat Tubes this Halloween. I can’t tell you how insanely easy these are! Plus they are made with recycled materials! My kids actually helped me make these and we had a BLAST!
Monster Treat Tubes
You Will Need
- Empty Paper Towel &/or toilet paper rolls
- Paint
- Googly Eyes
- Empty K-Cups
- Sharpie Marker
- Hot Glue Gun & glue sticks
How To
Paint your paper towel roll the color of your monster. We chose green.
Take your used k-cup and remove the foil top while over a trash can. Clean out the coffee grounds and filter until all you are left with is the empty plastic shell. This will fit perfectly into the end of the paper towel or toilet paper tube. You will need 2 for each Monster Treat Tube. One for each end. If you want to make sure they don’t spill you can hot glue the k-cup lids into place.
Now it is time to hot glue the googly eyes onto your monster. Get creative! There is no right or wrong way to do this.
We made 2 different kinds. One long monster and one frankenstein.
You can fill your Monsters with any kind of treat you desire. These would be so much fun for class parties! Fill with small toys, small wrapped candy, stickers, etc.
Once your monster is full top with the other k-cup. Isn’t Frankenstein adorable?
This little monster didn’t turn out too shabby either! My kids think these are so much fun. We may even fill them with treats and hide them around the house for a treasure hunt as we get closer to Halloween.