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Our Omaha Vacation Day 1

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We hit the road this morning after a comedy of errors. Really, this is the way most of our trips begin.  With 3 kids, things never turn out just as planned.  We drove across Iowa on our way to Omaha for a couple days.  What do you see when you drive across Iowa?

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Windmills…lots of windmills.

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Old Barns.

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Corn and the occasional crop duster.  Welcome to Iowa!

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After about an hour and a half in the car I heard mom…I don’t feel so good. I was so worried he was going to be sick, but he has never gotten car sick before.  When we stopped at the gas station my husband bought gummy worms for the kids, and Mason miraculously was not sick to his stomach any more.  Hmmm???

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We got checked into our hotel and made a bee-line for the Children’s Museum.  These kids needed to stretch their legs, and run off those gummy worms (Thanks Dad!).

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There was so much to do at the Omaha Children’s Museum that my head was spinning trying to keep up with where everyone was.  They have so many hands on activities for the kids it is unreal!

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Like I said, I could hardly keep up!

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They currently have a Wizard of Oz exhibit that is so much fun! My kids got to walk down the yellow brick road!

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Audrey clicked her heels 3 times to try to go home….

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They even got to see a “real” tornado. Which seriously kept their attention for quite awhile.  They were really trying to figure it out!

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They became munchkins!

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And even got to hang out in the corn. 🙂

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There were so so many interactive stations.  This would be a great way to spend the entire day, we couldn’t keep up! Bubble stations, even a hot air balloon to check out!

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This was my favorite.  A green screen with bicycles like in the Wizard of Oz.  On the other side a tv screen that put a storm background behind them. Seriously so cool!

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We weren’t done yet…there was a little farm, and playground area. Plus this cool replica fire truck you can climb in!

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The moment we called it a day!  I couldn’t find Audrey.  When I did I of course took this photo first and then asked her what on earth she was doing.  “This is how they get milk on tv. Why isn’t it working?” LOL   Time to go grab some dinner! Tomorrow, we take on the Henry Doorly Zoo. I can’t wait!

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