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10 Fun and Frugal Rainy Day Activities for Kids

Don't let the rain get you down. Keep the family busy with this list of 10 fun and frugal rainy day activities for kids! They will love it!

We all know that Summer brings plenty of sun and sand, but we also know that the occasional shower can spring up from time to time. The sound of raindrops hitting the pavement can send kids indoors with the boredom blues, but the good news is, it really doesn’t have to! There are actually quite a few fun and frugal rainy day activities that you can enjoy with your kids that are sure to excite them, and maybe, have them wishing for rainy days more often. If you don’t know where to begin the next time the rain starts to fall, take a look a below at 10 fun and frugal rainy day activities for kids. You might just have a little fun yourself!

10 Fun and Frugal Rainy Day Activities for Kids:

1. Rainy day parade.
As long as it is not lightning out, why not grab your favorite boots and some colorful umbrellas and go for a rainy day parade? Kids will love heading out into the yard and trekking around the neighborhood while getting sprinkled on. March, splash, sing, and just have fun getting sprinkled on.

2. Investigate with rain gauges.
Hit up your local dollar store for rain gauges. Keep them places in different areas of the yard and ask a family member to keep one at their home too. When the rain hits, allow kids to check out their gauge at the conclusion of the storm. Give them a colorful notebook to record the rainfall in. They can even compare their results with that of the family member.

3. Raindrop paintings.
Add a squirt of blue food coloring to a bowl of shaving cream. Allow kids to create their rainstorm on a piece of paper or cookie sheet.

4. Mix up rainy day refreshments.
Add a drop of blue coloring to lemonade, or enjoy some blue drink mix. Serve on ice with pineapple wedges or other fruit wedges. You can even garnish with a paper umbrella!

5. Enjoy some rainy day books.
There are plenty of rainy day themed books that children can enjoy together. Try Rain School by James Rumford!

6. Make rain drop sun catchers.
Use water colors to paint paper coffee filters. Use your scissors and cut each filter into a drop shape. Tape to your windows when dry as instant sun catchers.

7. Have a rainy day picnic.
Spread out a blanket and picnic lunch indoors as the rain pours outdoors. Have all the fixings including a picnic basket, fun foods, and games. You will have everything you need and want except the ants.

8. Make mud pies.
If there is no lightning present, give kids some old, plastic dishes to take out to the yard and make mud pies. Have them put on play clothes and boots and instruct them to dive in! Give them any old spoons, spatulas, or other kitchen tools you have as well.

9. Create bird’s nest helpers.
Storms make us think of our feathered friends. Help them build a stable home that can stand up in a storm by making a bird’s nest helper. Gather string, scrap fabrics, lint, and other soft threads. Assemble into a basket and when the rain clears put them out for the birds to use when building.

10. Write rainy day poems.
Give each child paper and 15 minutes to write a rainy day poem. Have a poetry reading in the family room complete with a special reader’s share chair, snacks, and plenty of applause!

See how easy it is to turn a rainy day into a day of fun and festivities? Don’t let the rain cause the boredom blues in your house. Instead, take advantage of these fun and frugal rainy day activities for kids!

Try these Rainy Day Activities for kids too!

How to Make Moon Dough

Perler Bead Coasters and Drink Lids

Ocean in A Jar


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