Keurig 2.0 or Original? Which Brewer is the Best?
The new Keurig 2.0 Brewers are still pretty new since they came out last year. I love my Keurig K145 Commercial Style Brewer and already told you why I think it is one of the best. But let’s get down to the nitty gritty. If I had to buy a Keurig brewer right this minute which one would I buy and why? Well, here you go.
I am a pretty lucky girl and I have had my chance to review both the Keurig 2.0 & Keurig K145. You can reference them both here…
Here are the main things that I noticed with both.
Ok, so electrical is not the first thing you think about when you are buying an appliance, but it is pretty important. The electrical cord on the left belongs to the Keurig 2.0 the one on the right the Keurig K145. The difference you can see in the thickness of the cord. The Keurig K145 is a commercially UL rated unit. That means basically that it can handle surges and everyday fluctuations in power much much better. This is huge if you are leaving your machine plugged in all the time. Especially if you live in an area with severe weather.
The controls are another feature that stands out. The Keurig K145 is pictured on the top, while the K2.0 with it’s touch screen is pictured underneath. I love technology, but it tends to make me a little nervous about longevity. I have had the K145 for almost 2 years and it is still plugging along. The K2.0 has only been through the ringer a couple months and still no issues. While I haven’t had any issues, touchscreen tend to break or burn out. Something to keep in mind.
Also, the K145 is drainable! This is a wonderful feature if you are planning on storing or moving your Keurig. You don’t want to leave water inside the machine.
Reusable K-Cups
This may be the kicker for some of you. The Keurig K145 along with all of the original keurigs allows you to use your own refillable k-cup along with those cheaper brands of k-cups that may not be “certified by keurig”. This can be a huge cost savings!
Unfortunately the Keurig 2.0 does not allow this. You will get this fun Oops! Message on your Keurig 2.0. They have recently come out with some new refillable k-cups and k-carafes for the Keurig 2.0 but they are a use at your own risk type of thing. Using them may void your warranty.
K-Carafe or K-Cup
The Keurig 2.0 has the ability to brew the new K-Carafe cups. Basically you can brew a 4-5 cup pot of coffee instead of just one cup. Great if you are having guests over. I have found that everyone usually has their own taste and likes to pick their own k-cup. Either way you can do it in the Keurig 2.0.
This is a big one for some. So what is the price difference. How much is one of these bad boys gonna set you back. Right now at Cross Country Cafe (the best little online coffee shop – in my opinion) you can get the…
- Keurig 2.0 K300 for $139.99 shipped
- Keurig K145 for $129.99 shipped
Yes, that is just a $10 difference!
So which one is better?
If I had to buy one or the other right this minute I would probably buy the commercial quality Keurig K145 Brewer. Yes, it is the older model, but it is reliable, and built to last. I can still brew my old refillable k-cups, drain it, and know that it is going to hold up.
Does that mean I don’t like the Keurig 2.0?
Not at all! I love the Keurig 2.0. I just have not had time to test it’s durability. I have only had it for 2 months and I am hard on coffee machines. Ask me in a year . 😉 It is great as far as the flexibility to brew 1 cup or a carafe. I am just not sure that is a feature that is necessary in my house. It does brew a great cup of coffee. But with the price being $10 more than the K145, I choose the K145 commercial quality still right now. If they come out with a commercially rated Keurig 2.0, I would be all about it!
What’s your opinion?
Do you have one brewer or the other? I would love to hear your opinion about the features you love, or why you chose the Keurig brewer you did. Feel free to leave it in the comments below.